Simple and Sensible Weight Loss Summary
I have recently been writing a number of posts to share my simple and sensible weight loss tips. Below is a summary, for more details on each suggestion please see recent posts below this one.
Read moreI have recently been writing a number of posts to share my simple and sensible weight loss tips. Below is a summary, for more details on each suggestion please see recent posts below this one.
Read moreAddressing behaviour is key to current public health strategy. Across the population, we consume too much sugar, salt and saturated fat and not enough fruit, vegetables, fibre and oily fish. According to latest estimates, poor diets and excess...
Read moreI am almost at the end of my simple and sensible weight loss tips. Please review and get back to me if you have any questions.
Read moreThis will give your body the message that time is scarce, that you are under pressure and that you are stressed, increasing stress hormones. Give your body a different message and try to sit down and eat your meals as calm as possible. Remember...
Read moreSo, thank you for reading my newsletter now for simple and sensible weight loss tip number 6: Eat essential fats – whilst many people believe that fat makes you fat, the real culprits are sugar and refined carbohydrates. They are essential...
Read moreI hope you have enjoyed my series so far on simple and sensible weight loss tips. If you have missed my first four sensible tips please take a read. I have used this programme in clinic for years. People learn to eat normally and with control...
Read moreFiona Waring © 2019. All Rights Reserved