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Discover the Secret of
Living a Life with
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So what is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care. Registered Nutritional Therapists use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns. This approach allows them to work with individuals to address nutritional balance and help support the body towards maintaining health. Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing.

Practitioners consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Practitioners never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional.

Nutrition is now becoming more widely accepted for many health issues. Please see services for more information

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07957 267 964

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Happy Clients About Me


“Seeking advice from a nutritionist has been so positive. I found Fiona to be warm and easy to discuss what might usually be uncomfortable conversations.  Fiona enabled me to analyse my diet, lifestyle and historical illness/medications and start to understand how that impacts upon my current situation.  The changes Fiona suggested worked very quickly.  Simple changes made the most difference and to realise you only get out what you put in.  Fiona’s plan was carefully adapted to my needs as we progressed.  If it were up to me nutritionists would be placed in GP surgeries to advise and guide us all about our lifestyle and dietary choices. It’s not easy to stick to the eating plan but it really is worth the effort! Thank you Fiona”

Thanks to my Nutritional Therapist my life has been turned around. My IBS was totally out of control, it had started over 20 years ago. Gradually getting worse until i was reduced to eating just Rice/white fish/honey and soya milk, and although taking the maximum amount of IBS medication i had constant Diarrhoea and severe abdominal pain. After being advised by my Doctor to have a Colonostomy to check for Bowel Cancer , my Specialist gave me the all clear but advised me to seek a Nutritionist to sort my gut out. One Year on- i have now rediscovered a whole new world of wonderful healthy foods of every type that i have been unable to eat for years

Meeting Fiona has changed my life.
I have spent all my adult life fighting my weight
and in the last few years had found my digestive
system to be uncomfortable and unreliable, which
was a great source of stress.  I also had high blood
pressure.  Since following Fiona's eating plan my
blood pressure is now in the normal range, my digestive
challenges have resolved themselves and I feel really
well.  I have lost several inches from around my middle and
my weight has dropped without effort.  Within the framework of
my eating plan I now enjoy my food and I am trying new
recipes and learning new ways to cook.  I feel really well and
no longer worry about my weight.  Amazing!

Looking after ourselves and our internal health has never been more important than it is now.  I have been working with Fiona to get to the root cause of my headaches (tests have shown its not medical) and her wealth of knowledge, her support, her understanding and empathy has definitely helped me and started to reduce my symptoms.  I am learning all the time from Fiona about what a fascinating, clever piece of kit the body is..we just need to treat it right!

"I have struggled with my weight most of my life. I have tried all kinds of diets from the fad diets of previous decades to the more recent Paleo, Keto and Very Low Calories ones all with limited short term but no long term success. I am in my mid-sixties; a Type 2 diabetic taking insulin and other medication, and I have a blood cell disorder which led to a full splenectomy 4 years ago.

I was recommended to Fiona by a mutual friend who knew I wanted to lose some weight. After a very thorough and detailed first session with Fiona I received a comprehensive report which included some relatively simple advice about eating healthily that I had not heard before including alternative substitutes for various food groups and specific recommendations for me.

That was six month ago. Since then I have followed Fiona’s advice and recommendations, sent her regular food diaries and had a couple of follow-up sessions. My eating regime/habits and (not to sound too dramatic) my relationship with food have been completely transformed. I thought I ate ‘healthily’ before, but Fiona has shown me the way to be eat both nutritionally well and truly healthily. I wish I had met her 40 years ago!

My blood glucose levels have never been so consistently good, I have reduced my insulin intake and completely stopped the acid reflux medication I had been taking for years. I feel so much better and I am slowly losing weight, but I know with my new way of eating that it will be sustainable this time."

I initially contacted Fiona to seek advice about issues I was having with hormonal skin and I have now been seeing her regularly for the past 18 months. She has helped me get into a better routine with my eating by looking closely at my food diaries, and she always provides me with lots of tried and tested recipes. I've also bought the Neal's Yard Remedies 'Eat Beautiful' book which Fiona co-authored which is incredibly informative. Fiona has been so knowledgeable about the vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements which would be most effective in helping me not only with my skin but also my general well-being and this has been hugely beneficial for me. Fiona is an approachable and experienced nutritionist and I feel lucky to have found her. She always looks at the bigger picture of what is going on in my life and her prescriptive advice has worked really well for me.

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